Photographer Dominic Urbano
The green saloon lamps, neon beer signs, and the welcoming glow of dim lights inside the bar are what caught my eye first. Add a chrome and black beast of a Harley Davidson motorcycle hitched up to the curb out front and the scene was certainly a great American set. As I set my camera and tripod a cowboy walked up the sidewalk, pausing to light a cigarette and admire the Harley. Sometimes a scene comes together better than any photographer could dare hope… this was one of those times.
The title “Horse Envy” that I gave to this image comes from a combination of the green light reflecting off the black tar in the street, and the cowboy studying the bike. Suddenly it was as if the street had streams of green blood, the color of envy, running across the pavement. I couldn’t help but wonder if this scene may have been repeated over and over again in the past 150 years. As cowboys hitched their horses in front of saloons I would guess that others may well have stood by to admire them.
The detail in this photo keeps viewers busy for extended periods of time. In a large print the words on the signs in the window can easily be read, the details on the motorcycle can be inspected, the textures of the wood and brick of old building really come to life.